Gramon Bago Uruguay
Gramon Bago Uruguay


Workplace health promotion - 2019

As a way to help our staff trying to achieve their best state of health, in 2019 we strongly focused on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Thus, within the framework of the 2019 Heart Week which slogan was “10 minutes to do you good”, we carried out series of workshops.

The proposal was based on working on one of the barriers most evoked by people, which make difficult to adopt healthy habits: time. Some of the slogans were, take 10 minutes to:

  • breathe deeply, smoke-free air
  • get a date for health checks
  • explain to your children the danger of alcohol consumption
  • move around playing
  • plan the weekly menu

With regard to this last item, a significant space was allocated for information and reflection on healthy diet, providing knowledge for the interpretation of nutritional tables of packaged foods and the importance of fruits, vegetables and plenty of water consumption to achieve a healthy balance of well-being.