Waste and Other Impacts
Our goal is to minimize the final disposal or dumping at approved areas, therefore we prioritise recycling, revaluation and treatment.
In order to meet these objectives, we classify waste within our facilities and also adhere to management programmes.
Packaging Management Programme
This programme was created from a public-private partnership and allows importers and brand owners of packaged products in non-returnable containers, to comply with current regulations (Law No. 17.849 and Decree No. 260/007 ). This implies that management should reduce the income of packaging waste to disposal areas, through recycling of non-returnable ones put on the market, while it also provides the ability to influence the decisions about that.
The programme also promotes waste management with social integration, since it is carried out by regularized classifiers. The incentive to participation and collaboration of the community in the classification at source of containers and other recyclables wastes are also integral parts of the project.
In Gramón Bagó we adhere to this plan by sending the modified foods and cosmetics we sell.
Safe Disposal Programme of Medicines Packaging Waste (Plesem)
This programme deals with packaging disposed by end users, providing specific and environmentally appropriate solutions to waste generated after drugs consumption.
It is the first specific management programme for specific field, authorized by Ministerial Resolution No. 1172/2010 of MVOTMA and meets the requirements of Decree No. 260/007 concerning packaging waste management. As members of the National Association Chamber of Pharmaceutical Laboratories (Asociación Nacional de Laboratorios de la Cámara Farmacéutica), we are responsible for the programme.
Internal Programme for Industrial Waste Management
In this programme we set the management of industrial waste generated by the company. The aim is that generation, collection, transportation, storage, recovery, treatment and disposal are carried out in a safe and environmentally appropriate way, avoiding compromise of human health and minimizing environmental damage.
Our programme applies to all products we commercialize, to supplies packaging and discarded products, as well as waste classified as urban arising from activities that take place within our facilities.