Our Scientific Advisor, Dr. Rafael Radi, Professor of Department of Biochemistry of Faculty of Medicine of University of the Republic and Director of the Center for Biomedical Research at the University of the Republic, is the first Uruguayan scientist to be appointed by the Academy of Sciences of the United States as a foreign scientist member of the organization.
The Academy of Sciences is a US corporation, created in 1863 during the presidency of Abraham Lincoln which aim is to establish a reference group on science and technology. It has 2250 active members and there are only 452 foreign ones, Professor Radi is the first from our country.
The Academy of Sciences of the United States is constituted by researchers of 31 areas of knowledge. Dr. Radi was elected in biochemistry area in recognition of his distinguished and continuing achievements in research. It relates to the understanding of the molecular basis of the development of human pathologies.
Dr. Radi studied in Uruguay (Doctor in Medicine, 1989; Doctor in Biological Sciences, 1991); he did a post-doctoral in Birmingham, Alabama and returned in 1992 to start a career of 30 years. Nowadays, he is Teacher Grade 5 at the Faculty of Medicine, Director of the Department of Biochemistry and Coordinator of the Laboratory of Basic Oncology and Molecular Biology. He visited dozens of universities in the world, he won international awards, has been Director of international scientific societies and member of the editorial boards of international scientific journals.
In Uruguay he is also founder and Director of the Center for Biomedical Research (Ceinbio). It was created in 2004 from his support, this center is an interdisciplinary and multi-institutional academic space focused on training of local and foreign human resources and on research of free radicals, antioxidants and mechanisms of cell and tissue degeneration.
It is a great honor and a well-deserved distinction for Professor Dr. Rafael Radi that make all Uruguayans and especially Gramón Bagó proud.