Infusion Pumps and Venipuncture Workshop
Abbocath is a product that bases its success on the quality and constant support of venipuncture education, for licensed and nursing staff.
Adriana da Silva made her presentation and then the workshops in groups of 10 or 15 people, using simulators of arms with veins of different caliber, with Abbocaths suitable for each case.
The workshop was attended by students of 2nd. and 3rd. year of the Degree in Nursing.
At the end of this venipuncture workshop, we carried out training on the latest generation infusion pumps of Gramón Bagó, the new C.I.P. Plum + A 360 (Continuous Infusion Pump).
Then groups of 20 people were made to explain the operation of these systems.
In the case of the Hospital whose personnel have experience in pumps and venipuncture, an update was made through questions and answers from graduates and nursing auxiliaries.
At closing we shared a lunch of fraternization.