The first part was given by Mr. Alejandro de Barbieri, Psychologist, who, with a dynamic, experience and emotion-based style, he covered main themes of our life: happiness, freedom of choices, attitude, children, couple, parents, work, and education. He stressed, among many things, the freedom to choose upon connecting with others, as well as the responsibility of our choices for the creation of healthy and enriching environments.
Next, it was presented the Manual of Gramón Bagó: Our values and policies. It was given by the Human Resources Manager, Mrs. Rossana Ranguis, who mentioned the highlights of the content and explained its importance as a pillar of daily work and the construction of reliable and sustainable relationships. Each participant received a printed copy of the document.
Finally, we focused on the future and informed about the progress of the plant refurbishment and the challenges it involves. Our Technical Director, Pharm.Chem. Myriam de Oliveira Madeira, listed the completed stages of the infrastructure work and the advantages that GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certification will bring for the production and opening of new markets. Engineer J. Cousillas, advisor of the refurbishment, emphasized the importance of the incorporation of new technologies and their benefits, especially matters such as airflow and extraction, taking extreme care for the quality of manufactured products and employees welfare.
At the end of this exchange activity, we shared a tasty and relaxed lunch.