This commitment is reflected in all the activities of our company.
Research Practices
In our products development we always keep in mind our commitment to life.
For this reason, we choose safe active ingredients and excipients which meet the requirements of international pharmacopoeia or internationally approved as supplies for the pharmaceutical industry; and taking into account the highest standards that allow us to ensure the quality and safety of our products.
We study stability both in accelerated and natural conditions, ensuring effectiveness and safety of our products throughout their entire life.
Our formulas evolve, trying to avoid the use of excipients which can limit the use by diabetic, gluten intolerant or allergic people.
Our production processes also evolve, minimizing the use of organic solvents and integrating and adjusting new technologies to fit the growing international demands of the pharmaceutical industry, improving quality and saving energy continuously.
Excellence is our goal and the way to achieve it is researching, making adjustments, adapting technologies.
Corporate Social Responsibility Indicators (CSRI)
Since its first edition, each year Gramón Bagó has participated in CSRI: Corporate Social Responsibility Indicators, that promote the conciliation among the company aims, the development of the people who work in it, promoting the improvement of the quality of life of the community and the preservation of the environment.
It is carried out by the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee of the Asociación Cristiana de Dirigentes de Empresa (ACDE).
With the objective of working on Social Responsibility as a model of responsible and committed management, the participation in the CSRI is a valuable tool that measures results with transparency and helps us in continuous improvement, strengthening strategies and participative management.