Gramon Bago Uruguay
Gramon Bago Uruguay

Gramón Bagó has achieved a series of milestones in recent years that have marked the growth and commitment of individual and collective management.


With great enthusiasm and after a forced time-out due to the pandemic, we resumed the organization of Scientific Activities.


It is with great enthusiasm that we announce that last December 8th., Gramón Bagó signed its commitment to adhere to the +G Governance programme - Management for sustainable development.


With this project, the company aims to get more environment-friendly industrial effluent treatments, applying the use of sustainable technologies.


Committed to protecting our natural resources and, in this particular case, taking care of watercourses, Gramón Bagó is installing an Effluent Treatment Plant which will start operating in the last quarter of the current year.


As in previous years, we joined the proposal of the Comisión Honoraria de Lucha contra el Cáncer (Commission for Fight Against Cancer).


As a way to help our staff trying to achieve their best state of health, in 2019 we strongly focused on the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.


With the aim of creating better tools in case of emergency, we have installed an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) in our building.


Ronald McDonald House Association celebrated its first 5 years, in which it has strived to contribute a bit to improve the health and well-being of Uruguayan children and their families.


We have the great pleasure to inform our Scientific Advisor, Ph. D. Rafael Radi was recognized with the Morosoli de Oro (Morosoli Gold) award, a prize for Uruguayan culture.


Strengthening the promotion and health care, we added occupational medicine to the management of Health and Safety of people.


Last Thursday, October 26, Gramón Bagó was pleased to sponsor the Scientific Activity "Practical approach to Hypothyroidism in: Elderly, Pregnancy and Pediatrics”.


Abbocath is a product that bases its success on the quality and constant support of venipuncture education, for licensed and nursing staff.


From the 1st to the 4th of August we held the IV Annual Planning Meeting at the Hilton Garden Inn with the participation of managers, middle managers, special guests of our company and important speakers.


On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of its foundation, Gamón Bagó has decided to support an Activity Program, organized by the Ronald Mc Donald house.


Within the framework of the 5th Congress of Outpatient Medicine and Nutrition of the Southern Cone, it was also carried out a scientific activity called ‘Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections in Adult: What should be done?´, which was sponsored by Gramón Bagó.


In the framework of the 5th Congress of Outpatient Medicine and Nutrition of the Southern Cone, Gramón Bagó sponsored the conference of update: Synergism or overlap of therapy of Osteoarthritis?


On June 16 we organized an event to promote communication and meeting, which was attended by all the staff of Gramón Bagó.


Last Thursday, on May 25th, Gramón Bagó carried out the Scientific Activity "Osteoarthritis: Important Considerations on Immunomodulation". This event was held at the Hyatt Hotel with the presence of outstanding professionals: Rheumatologists, Traumatologists, Physiatrists, Internists and General Practitioners.


At the end of 2016, we implemented the installation of a fall protection system on the roofs of our facilities, replacing the existing anchor points.


Rafael Radi received the Mexico Prize 2016 for Science and Technology, one of the most important awards that a scientist can receive at Ibero-American level.


The Cultural Incentive Funds (FI –its abbreviation in Spanish) and the National Council for Evaluation and Promotion of Cultural Artistic Projects (CONAEF – its abbreviation in Spanish), both programs of the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC), awarded us for our constant contribution and commitment to the national culture.


On November 11th., 2016 a new Mc Happy Day was held and our company collaborated again with the fundraising to support the operation of Ronald Mc Donald's Houses located in the Pereira Rossell Hospital and Tacuarembó Hospital, dedicated to caring for those who care, providing accommodation, meals and emotional support to the families of hospitalized children.


On October 19th., 21st. and 25th. and with the objective of training and improving our day-to-day management of Business Logistics and Supply Chain, we have developed three in-company workshops, with the participation of 40 employees from all areas.


In Uruguay, 1 in 10 women may develop breast cancer throughout their lives, being the more common cancer among them. Each day, approximately 5 Uruguayan women are diagnosed with breast cancer.


A gratifying instance that benefits our physical, psychological and social development ... .a further step to promote a healthy work environment.


Quality is built by the people who work in the company, training is an essential tool for them to develop their potential with an active participation in this process.


With this slogan on July 11th. and 12th. we arranged with our Personal Protection Equipment supplier, the implementation of information meetings for all employees who work in operational and supportive areas.


On July 7th. and 8th. we organized a training workshop with the aim of analyzing our client portfolio and designing of strategies for profitability.


As a result of the tornado that hit the city of Dolores in April, our employees decided to help organizing a collection to help with necessary supplies.


From May 23rd., 2016 we have made a strategic alliance with Farmared - Logired, a company with wide experience in pharmaceutical logistics in the Uruguayan market.


With the aim of encouraging and promoting a culture of prevention to improve health and wellness we carry out the campaign to prevent seasonal flu.


Committed to the health of everybody, we train our employees in prevention of the Dengue, Chikungunya and Zika diseases.


Obtaining the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and GLP(Good Laboratory Practices of Microbiological and Physicochemical Quality Control) Certification guarantees the quality of our medicines, our productive processes, management, and compliance with local and international regulations.


It was held the Mc Happy Day, the classic event of solidarity that has taken place in our country for more than 20 years. We join the Mc Happy Day which purpose is to raise funds to support the Ronald McDonald houses.


In support to International Day of Breast Cancer Awareness, in our laboratory we carry out awareness and prevention workshops, emphasizing in the importance of adopting healthy behaviours.


From October 2015 Gramón Bagó is proud to undertake new challenges.


First Uruguayan scientist at the Academy of Sciences of USA


The areas of Quality Control and Research and Development of a wide range of industries including the pharmaceutical, chemical and food ones, commonly use high performance liquid chromatographs (HPLC).


From the year 2011 PLESEM begins to work, the Programme for Medicines Packaging Waste Disposal, the first specific programme for a productive sector.


From June 2010, Gramón Bagó is one of the sponsoring companies of REPAPEL, an NGO whose aim is to encourage the commitment to caring for the environment, especially through good management of the paper.


True to the commitment to protect the health of all Uruguayans throughout its long path, our company has developed the MEDIFARMA programme, a tool that provides access to more patients to our medicines.


Our system of infusion pumps for drug delivery has a highly trained Technical Service which is also renowned by all Hospital sectors.